General information about company

BSE Scrip Code532804
MSE Symbol
Date of Start of Financial Year01-04-2021
Date of End of Financial Year31-03-2022
Reporting PeriodFirst half yearly
Date of Start of Reporting Period01-04-2021
Date of End of Reporting Period30-09-2021
Level of rounding used in financial resultsLakhs
Whether the company has entered into any Related Party transaction during the selected half year for which it wants to submit disclosure?Yes

Related party transactions

A. Details of related party

Name of the related partyMrs Priyanka SarafBMS Industries LtdM. D. Saraf Securities Private LimitedAshrit Holdings LimitedPaithan Eco Foods Private LimitedNutricraft Products Private LimitedAshrey International Trading Private LimitedHochstein International Trading Private LimitedS.K Saraf HUFRemi Edelstahl Tubular LtdMarigold International Limited Top line International Trading Company (FZE) Ms Vaishali ChoudhariShri Vinod AgarwalaShri Aubrey Ignatius Rebello Shri Vishwambhar SarafShri Jagdeesh MehtaShri Sharad Kumar SarafShri Sudarshan Kumar SarafShri Navneet Kumar SarafShri Ashish Kumar SarafShri Atanu ChaudharyShri Neeraj RaiTechnocraft Industries (I) Ltd Employees Group Gratuity Trust
Categories of related partiesPromoters GroupEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityEntities with joint control or significant influence over entityKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentKey management personnel of entity or parentOther related party
description of relationshipRelative of DirectorEnterprises in which KMP are interestedEnterprises in which KMP are interestedEnterprises in which KMP are interestedEnterprises in which KMP are interestedEnterprises in which KMP are interestedEnterprises in which KMP are interestedEnterprises in which KMP are interestedEnterprises in which KMP are interestedEnterprises in which KMP are interestedEnterprises in which KMP are interestedEnterprises in which KMP are interestedIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorIndependent DirectorManaging DirectorManaging DirectorCEO & Whole-time DirectorCFO & Whole-time DirectorWhole-time DirectorCompany SecretaryTrust
CIN of related partyU27108MH1974PLC017420U67120MH1999PTC121192U67120MH1992PLC066739U74999MH2016PTC281816U15100MH2015PTC263654U51909MH2016PTC287004U51909MH2016PTC286978L28920MH1970PLC014746

B. Details of related party transactions

Purchase of goods and services3386.52
Sale of goods and services130.91
Purchase of fixed assets
Sale of fixed assets
Rendering of services
Receiving of services
Leases 620.
Loans and advances given
Loans and advances taken
Loans and advances given that are repaid50.73
Loans and advances taken that are repaid
Deposits placed
Deposits taken
Transfer of research & development
Transfers under lease agreement
Equity investment
Impairment in equity investment
Expense for bad or doubtful debts
Guarantees or collateral given
Guarantees or collateral taken
Interest income
Interest paid
Dividend income
Dividend paid
Management contracts including for deputation of employees
Settlement of liabilities by entity on behalf of related party


Short term employee benefits73.
Post employment benefits
Other long-term benefits0.35
Termination benefits
Share based payments

C. Outstanding balances


Un Secured54.97187.29


Un Secured1296.2959.0734.834.834.834.81797.94

Loans and advances given

Un Secured

Loans and advances taken

Un Secured

Deposits placed

Un Secured

Deposits taken

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral given

Un Secured

Guarantees or collateral taken

Un Secured

Investment in equity

Un Secured

Provision for doubtful debt

Un Secured


Rent Received
Rent Received
Rent Received
Rent Received
Rent Received
Rent Received
Rent Received
Rent Received
Rent Paid
Commission / Brokerage
Advancement of Loans
Advancement of Loans
Directors Sitting Fees
Directors Sitting Fees
Directors Sitting Fees
Directors Sitting Fees
Directors Sitting Fees
Directors Remuneration Rs. 4.99
Contribution to PF Rs. 0.35
Salary & Wages
Gratuity Contribution Rs. 132.53
Gratuity Benefits Received Rs. 57.35